"Sound Historian" Journal
Sound Historian represents TOHA's commitment to excellence in the practice of oral history research. First published in 1993, the journal is an annual publication highlighting exemplary oral history research in multidisciplinary topics.
Sound Historian is free to TOHA members and is also available for individual purchase. Institutions may establish standing order subscriptions for the journal.
Editor-In-Chief: Steven Sielaff
Managing Editor: Jena Heath
Book Review Editor: Steven Sielaff
Copy Editor: Isabelle Zgorzelski
Advertising and Subscriptions Manager: Adrienne Cain
Orders & Subscriptions
Subscriptions to Sound Historian include the journal only. Membership is recommended for individuals and institutions wishing to participate fully in TOHA, with eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors and to vote in elections. In addition to the journal, members receive the full newsletter, annual directory, and meeting announcements.
Libraries and institutions may establish standing orders with Sound Historian directly or through subscription services, such as EBSCO. For standing orders, each journal is sent to the subscriber with an invoice. The subscriber may cancel or renew standing orders at any time during the calendar year.
Individual copies of back issues of Sound Historian are available for sale for $15.00 each, and new yearly subscriptions to the journal are $15.00/year.
To subscribe or order back issues, contact Adrienne Cain, managing editor by phone (254) 710-6285 or via email adrienne_cain@baylor.edu.